We all want to be on top of our mental game, with sharp focus and memory, and fast reflexes.
Usually when we hit a peak mental state it's some combination of good sleep, hydration, nutrition (and maybe caffeination) but people are also turning more and more to supplements to help them get an extra edge.
A lot of brain supplements being sold today can help with this, but most of them are also dangerous to combine with prescription medications. St. John's Wort and Ginkgo Biloba are two of the worst ones, but Rhodiola Rosea and Bacopa Monnieri, and many other herbal supplements all change how the liver processes medication, which for some medications can cause serious illness or even death.
That's why we created Ascend Focus: Safety Edition. Carefully formulated to provide excellent focus, clarity of thought, and improved memory, while avoiding all of the dangerous herbal supplements that have been shown to change how the liver processes medication.
#1 Ingredient: Lion's Mane Mushroom. Used for centuries as traditional medicine, Lion's Mane has been clinically shown to improve focus, memory, and mood in adults who take it consistently, and actually helps the brain create new brain cells and nerve connections. Ascend Safety uses the highest quality and most potent extract available on the market, naturally grown on hardwood trees for maximum effect.
ALCAR, Phosphatidylserine, Alpha GPC, and Citicholine are all nutrients that we need to keep our brains healthy but are hard to get enough of from our diets. They are vital in the cleaning and maintenance of brain and nerve cells as well as used in the building of new ones.
Ascend Safety also includes recommended doses of high quality Vitamins D, B12, B6, and B9, which have been shown to improve focus and mood, and work together to improve memory and are being studied in the treatment and prevention of age-related memory loss.